
Microsoft .NET is an advance in programming technology that greatly simplifies application development, both for traditional, proprietary applications and for the emerging paradigm of Web-based services. .NET 6 is a unified platform, for browser, cloud, desktop, IoT, and mobile apps. It is based on .NET Core, the package-based implementation that is cross-platform, running on Mac and Linux besides Windows. It completes the unification of the .NET platform begun with .NET 5. This course concisely covers the essentials of programming using Microsoft’s C# programming language. It starts with an overview of .NET architecture and the basics of running C# programs in a .NET environment. The next two chapters cover C# language essentials and object-oriented programming in C#. The next chapter discusses how C# relates to.NET. The following chapter covers delegates and events. The course includes a succinct introduction to creating GUI programs using Windows Forms. The course concludes with a chapter covering the newer features in C#. Appendices provide a tutorial on Visual Studio 2022, an overview of LINQ, and coverage of unsafe code and pointers in C#.

Product Code 1-08-00428-000-01-07-22-grp
Audience Programmers who need to design and develop C# for the .NET framework.
Course Length 3 Days
Prerequisites The student should be an experienced application developer or architect. Some background in object-oriented programming would be helpful.